Developing a website for elder care has its own unique challenges. Caregivers is a company that gives seniors assistance while still being able to live at home.
Gavamedia built the Caregivers NL website in cooperation with a design team.
Gavamedia’s support team has helped keep the website live, with frequent updates and assistance.
Who is the target audience?
The target audience of websites like this are seniors who aren’t wanting to live in a retirement home, but would rather receive care at home. Our website will allow seniors to get more comfortable with the idea of needing more help, but would still be able to receive that help in the comfort of their own home.
We reduced the amount of animations we normally use due to the fact that some seniors might have visual impairments. A text field or an image moving in quickly could be difficult to follow, so we decided to limit the use of animations due to the age group that might be using this site.
How do people receive care?
To make it easy to sign up, we have included a form on every page so that people can sign up and receive the care they need quickly without having to wait for a printed out form to be mailed. Filling out a simple form online takes much less time than printing out a form. We also have another form on the website where people can apply if they would like to be a Caregiver, as well as information on how to join the Caregivers team.
We also display all of the services Caregivers provide.

We also have testimonials on their website to show what people think of the service they or a family member have received.
We decided to display all the information in a visually appealing way by alternating text and photos in some areas. A lot of text going across the page may draw people’s attention away from reading the information. Keeping the text short and adding pictures makes the information more appealing.
How do we prove this is a credible website for elder care?
On the “Your Stories” page, we tell stories from real people that have received care from Caregivers before, and how it has impacted their lives. We also display who the Caregiver’s team is on the “Our Story” page, with an accordion list of all the different teams and management staff that will work with you. An accordion list shows or hides only the relevant information you want to see. When you click on the heading, the content inside is revealed.
How do we showcase their services?
We have two sections on the top of the page, displaying different support services that Caregivers offers — either home care or private nursing. Each have four links that can be clicked on to be taken to a new page that gives more information about the service.

The services are also listed in a unique diamond design which is continued in other areas and pages throughout the site.

What did we do to improve signups?
To make it easy for people to sign up for Caregivers NL, we added a simple form on every page. The form simply needs a person’s name, phone number, email and for them to type a bit about themselves. We also made this form a template, allowing it to become easier to put on every page.
What kind of blog setup did we create?
We also included an area for showing real stories of people who have received care from Caregivers before. We made the “Your Stories” page, which displays a few posts about people who are receiving home care.

How did we list their team?
On the “Our Story” page we created a dedicated area for displaying the Caregivers team. We made an accordion style list that has a heading displaying the management team and who works there. Once you click on the team, it opens up with all the information about the team and their contact information.

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