Shipping and Pickup Dates for WooCommerce

This is a free WooCommerce Extension that adds shipping or pickup dates to your WooCommerce checkout in WordPress.

Create your own custom delivery or pickup dates, and even custom instructions that appear right on your checkout.

Add something similar to this on your WooCommerce checkout page

These dates can even start far into the future, which is especially helpful for seasonal businesses, or pre-orders.

What it does

This plugin lets your customers choose their preferred pickup or shipping date during checkout.

Dates far into the future

You have flexible date options. You can even choose shipping or pickup dates that start well into the future, instead of starting from today.


Let your customers order today, and choose pickup or delivery dates far into the future, when your product is available.

Works for both shipping and pickup

Whether your customer has chosen shipping or pickup, the plugin will update and show the correct prompts automatically.

Deliver/shipping dates for seasonal businesses

Seasonal businesses can benefit by setting custom pickup or shipping dates. Let customers order now, and make the delivery or pickup date options work around your growing season.

Custom shipping or pickup instructions

Show your customers shipping or pickup instructions right on the checkout page. Easily create your own unique messages, specific to your business.

Your custom message will appear directly on your shopping cart