Full MLS® real estate websites

When your website is useful, you are useful

Buying a home is already overwhelming. Sending clients to other websites only complicates the experience.

Feature all local listings on your website, and you become the one-stop-shop for your clients.

  • Show all MLS listings
  • MLS Fully Searchable
  • Show on Map
  • Listings Updated Hourly
  • Search engine optimized
  • Lead Management

Reduce poaching

Be careful. Your clients searching on other real estate websites will lead them to other realtors. These websites prominently feature the selling realtor, with large contact buttons. When they contact your competitor, all bets are off.

real estate website hosting

Keep your clients facing you

You should be the one that helps your clients research. Send your clients to your website for all their research needs. Show all the latest MLS® listings in your area.

Your clients never leave your website

  • Clients search your website…
  • …find home ideas…
  • …and always stay within your reach

Have a question?

How does it work?

How do I get my own .com or .ca?

You don’t have to. During the signup process, we do this for you. You pick the website address of your choice, and we’ll do the rest. Next thing you know, you’ll be the proud owner of your own professional website.

Can I show all my listings on my website?

Yes! All your listings will automatically appear on your website, photos and all. They’ll even update automatically as you make changes on REALTOR Link®. 

What kind of search features will I get?

Everything including the kitchen sink. Your visitors can search all local listings, by price, location, property type, and even the number of kitchens. 

Do I need to learn coding, or use complex tools?

No. We set everything up for you, from getting the .com or .ca, to hosting your website, and even connecting your site to the MLS®. You just pick your design, and the rest works like magic. 

What will my website look like?

However you want. We have literally hundreds of design choices. That’s more than any other real estate website provider. We can even make small adjustments to these designs to incorporate your logo or colours. 

How long does setup take?

Usually around 14 days. Although signing up is easy, we then work closely with you to ensure your website looks and functions exactly as expected. Sometimes this means including your custom logo or colours, or upgrading your existing website to Gavamedia. 

Why a website?

My agency already has a blurb about me, so why do I need my own website?

Prove your commitment to yourself. You must demonstrate you take yourself seriously, if you want others to. Don’t be just another name in a sea of agents. Read more about the benefits of a real estate website

I’m already active on social media, so isn’t that enough?

No. Anyone can create a social media page in minutes, so it alone cannot demonstrate your value. There are also many gaps in social media’s effectiveness. Most notably, as little as 7% of your posts are ever seen. Learn more about the benefits of a website vs. social media

Isn’t it a lot of work?

Not with Gavamedia. You pick your design, your address, and you’re done. We put all your listings on your website, with industry-leading search features, and keep everything up to date automatically. Choose your plan now to start your free trial. 

Do people really care if I have a website?

Yes. Simply having a website instantly gives you credibility. Better still, with our industry-leading search features, those that visit your Gavamedia website will keep coming back. Read more about the benefits of a website

Is a website effective advertising?

Yes. When it comes to the internet, a website is your most effective promotional outlet. Better still, when it comes to promotion in general, online efforts are more lasting and beneficial than offline, such as weekly fliers. Learn about the benefits of a website

Will strangers find me on the internet?

Yes, with Gavamedia. We submit your website to Google and other search engines. We also carefully design your pages so they are optimized for search engines. People in your area could find you when searching for REALTORS® or local listings. 

Does my website address have to be .com or .ca?

Yes, we believe it does. A simple address like this gives you all the professional benefits of a website. It sounds great to the ears, unlike unprofessional addresses like your-website.ameture-blog-website.com.

Why Gavamedia?

How do I know I’ll get the website I want?

You choose upfront. Before we even begin working together, you pick the exact design you want. We then work closely with you by phone and email to ensure everything is exactly as you want. 

Can’t I do all this myself with WordPress?

No, the results aren’t comparable on quality or cost. Your time has value. If you counted the days spent learning HTML, registering domain names, buying templates, and trying different plugins, the numbers will surprise you. Worse still, real estate plugins are slow, have limited features, and are costly. Gavamedia is less work, a better result, and a far better return on investment. Read more about Gavamedia’s advantages over IDX plugins.


> Click here to read more about why we don’t use WordPress to make real estate websites

How fast will my Gavamedia website be?

Faster than any other real estate website. We store all the MLS® data right on your website, in the same location. This means your logo loads as quickly as your local listings. This also allows for search-as-you-type, and other speedy features unique to Gavamedia. 

How helpful will my website be to my visitors?

Essential. Besides looking great, your website will be practical. Visitors can search all listings with unmatched speed. Clicking a listing doesn’t open new tabs, and clicking “back” safely returns them to their search, keeping the browsing experience fluid. Read more about our Lead Management features

Will it be easy to edit my website?

Yes. You can add and edit web pages at any time, just like a blog. We also provide free support, if you need help. Best of all, listings update automatically. 

How will my website look on tablets & cell phones?

ExcellentAll the designs we offer are optimized for mobile devices, using state-of-the-art “mobile-first” responsive design. Fonts will be large and legible on small handheld screens of any size.

What other perks are there to having a Gavamedia website?

Internet Data Exchange. This is the downloading of the MLS® listings to your website, and occurs every time someone visits an IDX website. This is slow, and makes listings appear a few seconds after a website appears to be finished loading. Read more about IDX, and Gavamedia’s alternative techniques

What are common website terms?

What does IDX stand for?

Internet Data Exchange. This is the downloading of the MLS® listings to your website, and occurs every time someone visits an IDX website. This is slow, and makes listings appear a few seconds after a website appears to be finished loading. Read more about IDX, and Gavamedia’s alternative techniques

What is a “responsive website”?

Mobile ready. All of Gavamedia’s website designs are created using “responsive design”, meaning they respond to your website visitor’s device. A mobile device will see a mobile website that fits nicely onto the small screen. Whereas someone on a desktop computer will see a larger design that capitalizes on the extra screen real estate.

What does DDF stand for?

Data Distribution Facility. This is one of the methods CREA uses to share the latest MLS® listings with Gavamedia. Because we’re a licensed Technical Provider for CREA, we can access the latest listings all across Canada. Instead of manually adding a few listings that can quickly become out of date, we connect directly to the latest info, keeping your website fresh and accurate. 

What is a “polygon search”?

A search within any shape on the map. We provide tools that let your website visitors draw any shape on a map, and see only listings in that area. Better still, we let you define your own areas, which you can name, like “Downtown”. Visitors on your website can see these areas, and see listings only in these locations. 

What does CMS stand for?

Content Management System. This is a tool that allows you to edit the pages on your website. There are thousands of competing systems available, but Gavamedia’s is designed specifically for REALTORS®, Brokers, and Agencies. Simply log into Gavamedia.com, and add/edit pages, and even add custom photos. 

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization. Search engines such as Google like to see some things, and hate to see others. The more a search engine likes your site, the higher up you’ll be on search results. SEO is a combination of techniques that ensure your website is liked by search engines. The problem is, search engines constantly change what they like, so this is an ever-changing art. All other website providers give you a site that’s SEO optimized for today, but then forget about you. Gavamedia constantly updates our methods to ensure the most current optimization. Read more about how Gavamedia optimizes your website for SEO.

Have Another Question?

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